February 2013
Industry Relationships
Our best undertakings have been partnering with companies with likeminded business practices. We value your opinion, your vision, and your mission. If we didn’t believe in the work that you do, we wouldn’t believe in the work that we do. It is with this attitude that PNP has been able to excel in business for the last 12 years. In order for PNP to move forward we need to do business with companies that push the company to think beyond the basic. We like to partner with companies that have the same ambitious attitude and work ethic that we possess. Two key relationships in particular we would like to thank are our insurance partners: Beach and O’Neill and Warren G. Bender . Beach and O'Neill provides PNP with general liability insurance, worker’s compensation insurance, pollution liability insurance, automotive insurance and extremely competitive rates. The team at Beach & O'Neill provides excellent service and is always upbeat. Warren G. Bender Co. provides PNP with its surety bonds for its public works projects. The surety team at Warren G. Bender Co is second to none. They have come through numerous times when things looked tough. PNP is proud to work with such amazing Companies.
Process Streamlined
Efficiencies can be gained in a variety of places throughout our business. Given the complexities of running a business one may not know where to start. PNP has taken the steps over the last year to become a more streamlined efficient place. The first step in our process was the move to paperless filing which allows all papers within the company to be easily accessed at any time. PNP paperless filing is utilized through Dropbox which is on all company computers and mobile devices. Having access to files at all times will make PNP a company that you can trust to have documents emailed or faxed within minutes of a conversation. Next PNP has developed FTP sites to electronically share files with other companies. You might have noticed that this is our primary way of sharing plans and specs for our invitations to bid. Lastly, PNP has initiated the practice of using matrixes to track and access project documents. Within the matrix the use of hyper-links allows one document to contain all the project paperwork turned into PNP from owners and subcontractors alike. The use of the matrix allows for the tracking of hundreds of important job related documents in one location. PNP strives to be a company that is ever evolving. Our new document control process has become a welcome change and we hope to continue to be ahead of the curve.
November 2012
PNP Construction was awarded the Placer County Water Agency's Business and Administrative Center, Tenant Improvements Project. Construction started the second week of November and should be complete March 2013. Additionally, PNP has begun work on two private projects: The Crossings Leasing Office and Sac Family Medical Center TI. Finally PNP is awaiting finalization on City of Davis Central Park Restroom Project in which we were low bidder. It should be a busy winter and we would like to thank everyone that works with PNP for your continual support and hard work.
PNP is currently wrapping up City of Citrus Heights Sayonara-Sylvan Community Centers Project, check out the completed project pictures on our project gallery page. In addition we have San Juan School District's El Camino High School Main Gym HVAC Upgrades in the final stages.
March 2010
PNP Construction was selected as the design/build General Contractor to build the 23,000sq foot sanctuary for the Sunset Oaks Adventist Church located in Rocklin CA. Along with Image Works Architecture Inc of Sacramento, we are looking to complete this project in Fall 2011.
The long awaited Palmer Apartments renovation project is set to commence May 15. This renovation is to upgrade an existing multi-family apartment complex for Transition living and community services.
April 2010
PNP Construction kicked off the renovation on the main sanctuary and organ installation for the Fremont Presbyterian Church in East Sacramento, construction should be complete October 2010
We have teamed up with Architecture firms Ottolini & Associates and Image Works Architecture Inc to handle the ADA site surveys and design/build services for our ADA Solutions division ADAS.